Google Drive API in C# – OAuth2 Authentication Example


This is an efficient C# solution for developers working with Google APIs. Our tool simplifies the authentication process, ensuring access to Google Drive API.


This is an efficient C# solution for developers working with Google APIs. Our tool simplifies the authentication process, ensuring access to Google Drive API. Additionally, it offers an easy-to-integrate method for authorizing user access to Google Drive services.

Discover the advantages of our Google Drive API in C# – OAuth2 Authentication Example:

  • Well-structured, easy-to-understand C# code.
  • Simplified Google API authentication and authorization.
  • User-friendly console application for OAuth2 authentication.

Source Code Description:

This C# console application effectively manages Google Drive API authentication through OAuth2, allowing smooth access to user file services. The application performs these essential steps:

  • Set up client credentials, including client ID and client secret.
  • Authenticate users and store tokens for future use.
  • Retrieve user file information, such as file names and types.

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