Binary Search Tree Implementation in C#

Binary Search Tree Implementation in C#


This article presents a binary search tree implementation in C#, designed to be concise and easy to understand. We will discuss the interface definition, followed by the implementation of search, insert, delete, and update operations. Binary search trees (BSTs) are a widely used data structure due to their efficient search, insertion, and deletion capabilities. A BST is a tree-like data structure where each node has at most two children, and for all nodes, the left child node is less than the parent node, and the right child node is greater than the parent node. The time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations is generally O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In a balanced tree, the height is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes.

Binary Search Tree Implementation in C#

Binary Search Tree C# Interface Definition

To implement a binary search tree in C#, we first define an interface IBinarySearchTree<T> that extends the IComparable interface for type T. This constraint ensures that the items stored in the tree can be compared, which is a fundamental requirement for the operations of a binary search tree. The interface exposes four main methods: Search, Insert, Delete, and Update.

/// <summary>
/// Represents a generic binary search tree interface, defining the essential operations
/// required for a binary search tree.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of items stored in the binary search tree.
/// This type must implement the IComparable interface to enable comparisons.</typeparam>
public interface IBinarySearchTree<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    /// <summary>
    /// Searches for the specified item in the binary search tree.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">The item to search for.</param>
    /// <returns>True if the item is found in the tree, otherwise false.</returns>
    bool Search(T item);

    /// <summary>
    /// Inserts the specified item into the binary search tree while maintaining the
    /// binary search tree property.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">The item to insert.</param>
    /// <returns>True if the item is successfully inserted, otherwise false (e.g., when the item already exists in the tree).</returns>
    bool Insert(T item);

    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes the specified item from the binary search tree and rearranges the
    /// tree to maintain the binary search tree property.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">The item to delete.</param>
    /// <returns>True if the item is successfully deleted, otherwise false (e.g., when the item is not found in the tree).</returns>
    bool Delete(T item);

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates an existing item in the binary search tree with a new item while
    /// maintaining the binary search tree property.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="oldItem">The item to be replaced in the tree.</param>
    /// <param name="newItem">The new item that will replace the old item.</param>
    /// <returns>True if the update operation is successful, otherwise false (e.g., when the old item is not found in the tree).</returns>
    bool Update(T oldItem, T newItem);

public class BinarySearchTree<T> : IBinarySearchTree<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    private class TreeNode
        public T Value;
        public TreeNode Left;
        public TreeNode Right;

        public TreeNode(T value)
            Value = value;
            Left = null;
            Right = null;

    private TreeNode root;

    public BinarySearchTree()
        root = null;

    //The code continues below...
  • The Search operation checks if an item exists within the tree, and returns true if found, otherwise false. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The Insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The Delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain its properties. The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The Update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

The next sections of this article will explain the implementations of these operations, ensuring efficient performance while maintaining the binary search tree properties.

Search Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

In the search operation, we traverse the tree, starting from the root node, comparing the target item with each node’s value. If the target item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. Whenever we reach a null reference, the item is not in the tree, and we return false. If we find a node with the same value as the target item, we return true. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In the worst case, we need to traverse the entire height of the tree.

/// <summary>
/// Searches for the specified item in the binary search tree using a recursive algorithm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to search for.</param>
/// <returns>True if the item is found in the tree, otherwise false.</returns>
public bool Search(T item)
    return SearchRecursive(root, item);

/// <summary>
/// Recursively searches for the specified item in the binary search tree, starting from the given node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node from which to start the search.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item to search for.</param>
/// <returns>True if the item is found in the subtree rooted at the given node, otherwise false.</returns>
private bool SearchRecursive(TreeNode node, T item)
    if (node == null)
        return false;

    int compareResult = item.CompareTo(node.Value);
    if (compareResult == 0)
        return true;
    else if (compareResult < 0)
        return SearchRecursive(node.Left, item);
        return SearchRecursive(node.Right, item);

Insert Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. In the insert operation, we traverse the tree to find the position for the new item. We compare the new item with each node’s value during the traversal. If the new item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. If we find a node with the same value as the new item, the insertion is a duplicate, and we return false. Once we reach a null reference, we have found the position for the new item. We then create a new node with the given item and update the parent node’s reference. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

/// <summary>
/// Inserts the specified item into the binary search tree while maintaining the
/// binary search tree property, using a recursive algorithm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to insert.</param>
/// <returns>True if the item is successfully inserted, otherwise false (e.g., when the item already exists in the tree).</returns>
public bool Insert(T item)
    if (root == null)
        root = new TreeNode(item);
        return true;

    return InsertRecursive(root, item);

/// <summary>
/// Recursively inserts the specified item into the binary search tree, starting from the given node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node from which to start the insertion.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item to insert.</param>
/// <returns>True if the item is successfully inserted in the subtree rooted at the given node, otherwise false (e.g., when the item already exists in the subtree).</returns>
private bool InsertRecursive(TreeNode node, T item)
    int compareResult = item.CompareTo(node.Value);
    if (compareResult == 0)
        return false;
    else if (compareResult < 0)
        if (node.Left == null)
            node.Left = new TreeNode(item);
            return true;
            return InsertRecursive(node.Left, item);
        if (node.Right == null)
            node.Right = new TreeNode(item);
            return true;
            return InsertRecursive(node.Right, item);

Delete Operation Implementation

The delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain the binary search tree property. It involves three main scenarios:

  1. The node to delete has no children: In this case, we simply remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference.
  2. The node to delete has one child: We remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference to point to the node’s single child.
  3. The node to delete has two children: We find the node with the minimum value in the right subtree (the inorder successor), replace the node to delete with the inorder successor’s value, and then delete the inorder successor.

The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

/// <summary>
/// Deletes the specified item from the binary search tree while maintaining the
/// binary search tree property, using a recursive algorithm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to delete.</param>
/// <returns>True if the item is successfully deleted, otherwise false (e.g., when the item is not found in the tree).</returns>
public bool Delete(T item)
    return DeleteRecursive(ref root, item);

/// <summary>
/// Recursively deletes the specified item from the binary search tree, starting from the given node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">A reference to the node from which to start the deletion.</param>
/// <param name="item">The item to delete.</param>
/// <returns>True if the item is successfully deleted from the subtree rooted at the given node, otherwise false (e.g., when the item is not found in the subtree).</returns>
private bool DeleteRecursive(ref TreeNode node, T item)
    if (node == null)
        return false;

    int compareResult = item.CompareTo(node.Value);
    if (compareResult < 0)
        return DeleteRecursive(ref node.Left, item);
    else if (compareResult > 0)
        return DeleteRecursive(ref node.Right, item);
        if (node.Left == null && node.Right == null)
            node = null;
        else if (node.Left == null)
            node = node.Right;
        else if (node.Right == null)
            node = node.Left;
            T minValue = FindMinValue(node.Right);
            node.Value = minValue;
            DeleteRecursive(ref node.Right, minValue);

        return true;

/// <summary>
/// Finds the minimum value in the binary search tree rooted at the given node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The node from which to start searching for the minimum value.</param>
/// <returns>The minimum value in the subtree rooted at the given node.</returns>
private T FindMinValue(TreeNode node)
    while (node.Left != null)
        node = node.Left;

    return node.Value;

Update Operation Implementation

The update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. In the update operation, we first delete the old item from the tree, and then insert the new item. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. Since the update operation involves a delete followed by an insert, the complexity remains the same as individual delete and insert operations.

/// <summary>
/// Updates an existing item in the binary search tree with a new item while maintaining
/// the binary search tree property. This is done by deleting the old item and inserting the new item.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldItem">The item to be replaced in the binary search tree.</param>
/// <param name="newItem">The new item to replace the old item with.</param>
/// <returns>True if the update is successful, otherwise false (e.g., when the old item is not found in the tree).</returns>
public bool Update(T oldItem, T newItem)
    if (Delete(oldItem))
        return Insert(newItem);

    return false;


In this article, we presented a binary search tree implementation in C#, designed to be concise and easy to understand. We discussed the interface definition and provided an efficient implementation of search, insert, delete, and update operations, while maintaining the binary search tree properties. The binary search tree enables efficient manipulation of the data structure, with time complexities of O(h) for each operation, where h is the height of the tree. This non-concurrent implementation serves as a solid foundation for understanding the core concepts of binary search trees before moving on to more advanced, concurrent versions.

Correalted Resources

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in C++

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in C++


This article presents a concurrent binary search tree implementation in C++, designed to be concise and easy to understand. We will discuss the interface definition, followed by the implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations. Finally, we will provide an example of executing these operations concurrently. Binary search trees (BSTs) are a widely used data structure due to their efficient search, insertion, and deletion capabilities. A BST is a tree-like data structure where each node has at most two children, and for all nodes, the left child node is less than the parent node, and the right child node is greater than the parent node.

The time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations is generally O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In a balanced tree, the height is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes. In concurrent programming, multiple threads execute simultaneously, and concurrent access to shared data structures, such as a binary search tree, can lead to unpredictable results if not handled correctly. A concurrent binary search tree ensures that these operations are thread-safe, allowing multiple threads to access and modify the tree without causing data corruption or race conditions.

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in C++

Concurrent Binary Search Tree C++ Interface Definition

To implement a concurrent binary search tree in C++, we first define a template class ConcurrentBinarySearchTree with a type parameter T that supports the less-than operator. This constraint ensures that the items stored in the tree can be compared, which is a fundamental requirement for the operations of a binary search tree. The class exposes four main methods: search, insert, delete, and update.

#include <memory>
#include <mutex>

using std::unique_ptr;
using std::mutex;

template <typename T>
class ConcurrentBinarySearchTree {
    bool search(const T& item) const;
    bool insert(const T& item);
    bool remove(const T& item);
    bool update(const T& oldItem, const T& newItem);

    struct Node {
        T value;
        unique_ptr<Node> left;
        unique_ptr<Node> right;

    unique_ptr<Node> root;
    mutable mutex mtx;
  • The search operation checks if an item exists within the tree and returns true if found, otherwise false. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain its properties. The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

The next sections of this article will explain the concurrent implementations of these operations, ensuring thread-safety and efficient performance while maintaining the binary search tree properties.

Concurrent Search Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent search operation allows multiple threads to search for items within the binary search tree simultaneously without causing data corruption. The search operation does not modify the tree structure, so thread-safety is achieved without the need for locks or other synchronization mechanisms.

In the search operation, we traverse the tree, starting from the root node, comparing the target item with each node’s value. If the target item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. Whenever we reach a null reference, the item is not in the tree, and we return false. If we find a node with the same value as the target item, we return true. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In the worst case, we need to traverse the entire height of the tree.

template <typename T>
bool ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T>::search(const T& item) const {
    // Traverses the tree, comparing each node's value with the target item.
    // If found, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
    const Node* current = root.get();

    while (current != nullptr) {
        if (item == current->value) {
            return true;
        current = (item < current->value) ? current->left.get() : current->right.get();

    return false;

Concurrent Insert Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock_guard to lock the mutex when modifying the tree structure. This prevents multiple threads from inserting nodes simultaneously, which could lead to data corruption.

In the insert operation, we traverse the tree to find the position for the new item. We compare the new item with each node’s value during the traversal. If the new item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. If we find a node with the same value as the new item, the insertion is a duplicate, and we return false. Once we reach a null reference, we have found the position for the new item. We then lock the tree to prevent other threads from modifying it while we insert the new node. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

template <typename T>
bool ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T>::insert(const T& item) {
    // Inserts a new node by finding its position in the tree.
    // Uses a lock_guard to ensure thread-safety during the process.
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
    Node* parent = nullptr;
    Node* current = root.get();

    while (current != nullptr) {
        parent = current;
        if (item == current->value) {
            return false;
        current = (item < current->value) ? current->left.get() : current->right.get();

    std::unique_ptr<Node> newNode = std::make_unique<Node>();
    newNode->value = item;
    newNode->left = nullptr;
    newNode->right = nullptr;

    if (parent == nullptr) {
        root = std::move(newNode);
    } else if (item < parent->value) {
        parent->left = std::move(newNode);
    } else {
        parent->right = std::move(newNode);

    return true;

Concurrent Delete Operation Implementation

The concurrent delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock_guard to lock the mutex when modifying the tree structure. The delete operation involves three main scenarios:

  1. The node to delete has no children: In this case, we simply remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference.
  2. The node to delete has one child: We remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference to point to the node’s single child.
  3. The node to delete has two children: We find the node with the minimum value in the right subtree (the inorder successor), replace the node to delete with the inorder successor’s value, and then delete the inorder successor.

The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

template <typename T>
bool ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T>::deleteItem(const T& item) {
    // Deletes an item from the tree and handles three scenarios:
    // 1. The node has no children.
    // 2. The node has one child.
    // 3. The node has two children.
    // Uses a lock_guard to ensure thread-safety during the process.
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
    Node* parent = nullptr;
    Node* current = root.get();

    while (current != nullptr && current->value != item) {
        parent = current;
        current = (item < current->value) ? current->left.get() : current->right.get();

    if (current == nullptr) {
        return false;

    // Case 1: Node with no children
    if (current->left == nullptr && current->right == nullptr) {
        deleteNode(parent, current);
    // Case 2: Node with one child
    else if (current->left == nullptr || current->right == nullptr) {
        Node* child = (current->left != nullptr) ? current->left.get() : current->right.get();
        deleteNode(parent, current, child);
    // Case 3: Node with two children
    else {
        Node* inorderSuccessorParent = current;
        Node* inorderSuccessor = current->right.get();
        while (inorderSuccessor->left != nullptr) {
            inorderSuccessorParent = inorderSuccessor;
            inorderSuccessor = inorderSuccessor->left.get();
        current->value = inorderSuccessor->value;
        deleteNode(inorderSuccessorParent, inorderSuccessor);

    return true;

Concurrent Update Operation Implementation

The concurrent update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock_guard to lock the mutex when modifying the tree structure. In the update operation, we first delete the old item from the tree, and then insert the new item. By using a lock_guard, we ensure that no other thread can modify the tree between the delete and insert operations. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. Since the update operation involves a delete followed by an insert, the complexity remains the same as individual delete and insert operations.

template <typename T>
bool ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T>::update(const T& oldItem, const T& newItem) {
    // Updates a node by deleting the old item and inserting the new one.
    // Uses a lock_guard to ensure thread-safety.
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
    if (deleteItem(oldItem)) {
        return insert(newItem);

    return false;

Testing the Concurrent Binary Search Tree

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

void insertElements(ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int>& tree, int start, int end) {
    for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {

void deleteElements(ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int>& tree, int start, int end) {
    for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {

void updateElements(ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int>& tree, int start, int end, int offset) {
    for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
tree.update(i, i + offset);

int main() {
ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int> tree;
int elementCount = 50000;

// Concurrent insertions
std::thread insertThread1(insertElements, std::ref(tree), 1, elementCount / 2);
std::thread insertThread2(insertElements, std::ref(tree), elementCount / 2 + 1, elementCount);

// Concurrent deletions
std::thread deleteThread1(deleteElements, std::ref(tree), 1, elementCount / 4);
std::thread deleteThread2(deleteElements, std::ref(tree), elementCount / 4 + 1, elementCount / 2);

// Concurrent updates
std::thread updateThread1(updateElements, std::ref(tree), 1, elementCount / 4, elementCount);
std::thread updateThread2(updateElements, std::ref(tree), elementCount / 4 + 1, elementCount / 2, elementCount);


std::cout << "Processing completed." << std::endl;

return 0;


In conclusion, this article presented a concurrent binary search tree implementation in C++, designed to be clear and easy to understand. We discussed the class definition and provided a thread-safe implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations while maintaining the binary search tree properties. By using a combination of mutexes, lock_guards, and careful consideration of the areas that require synchronization, we achieved an efficient and safe manipulation of the data structure in a multi-threaded environment. The concurrent binary search tree offers time complexities of O(h) for each operation, where h is the height of the tree, making it a valuable data structure for use in concurrent programming scenarios.

Correlated Resources

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in Python

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in Python


This article presents a concurrent binary search tree implementation in Python, designed to be concise and easy to understand. We will discuss the class definition, followed by the implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations. Finally, we will provide an example of executing these operations concurrently. Binary search trees (BSTs) are a widely used data structure due to their efficient search, insertion, and deletion capabilities. A BST is a tree-like data structure where each node has at most two children, and for all nodes, the left child node is less than the parent node, and the right child node is greater than the parent node.

The time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations is generally O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In a balanced tree, the height is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes. In concurrent programming, multiple threads execute simultaneously, and concurrent access to shared data structures, such as a binary search tree, can lead to unpredictable results if not handled correctly. A concurrent binary search tree ensures that these operations are thread-safe, allowing multiple threads to access and modify the tree without causing data corruption or race conditions.

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in Python

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Python Class Definition

To implement a concurrent binary search tree in Python, we first define a class ConcurrentBinarySearchTree with a generic type parameter T. This class requires that the items stored in the tree are comparable, which is a fundamental requirement for the operations of a binary search tree. The class exposes four main methods: search, insert, delete, and update.

from threading import Lock

class Node:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class ConcurrentBinarySearchTree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None
        self.lock = Lock()
        # Scroll down for methods implementation
        # ...
  • The search operation checks if an item exists within the tree and returns True if found, otherwise False. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain its properties. The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

The next sections of this article will explain the concurrent implementations of these operations, ensuring thread-safety and efficient performance while maintaining the binary search tree properties.

Concurrent Search Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent search operation allows multiple threads to search for items within the binary search tree simultaneously without causing data corruption. The search operation does not modify the tree structure, so thread-safety is achieved without the need for locks or other synchronization mechanisms.

In the search operation, we traverse the tree, starting from the root node, comparing the target item with each node’s value. If the target item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. Whenever we reach a null reference, the item is not in the tree, and we return False. If we find a node with the same value as the target item, we return True. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In the worst case, we need to traverse the entire height of the tree.

def search(self, item):
    # Traverses the tree, comparing each node's value with the target item.
    # If found, it returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.
    current = self.root

    while current is not None:
        comparison = self._compare(item, current.value)

        if comparison == 0:
            return True
        current = current.left if comparison < 0 else current.right

    return False

Concurrent Insert Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock when modifying the tree structure. This prevents multiple threads from inserting nodes simultaneously, which could lead to data corruption.

In the insert operation, we traverse the tree to find the position for the new item. We compare the new item with each node’s value during the traversal. If the new item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. If we find a node with the same value as the new item, the insertion is a duplicate, and we return False. Once we reach a null reference, we have found the position for the new item. We then lock the tree to prevent other threads from modifying it while we insert the new node. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

def insert(self, item):
    # Inserts a new node by finding its position in the tree.
    # Uses a lock to ensure thread-safety during the process.
    new_node = Node(item)
    parent = None
    current = self.root

    while current is not None:
        parent = current
        comparison = self._compare(item, current.value)

        if comparison == 0:
            return False
        current = current.left if comparison < 0 else current.right

    with self.lock:
        if parent is None:
            self.root = new_node
        elif self._compare(item, parent.value) < 0:
            parent.left = new_node
            parent.right = new_node

    return True

Concurrent Delete Operation Implementation

The concurrent delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock when modifying the tree structure. The delete operation involves three main scenarios:

  1. The node to delete has no children: In this case, we simply remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference.
  2. The node to delete has one child: We remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference to point to the node’s single child.
  3. The node to delete has two children: We find the node with the minimum value in the right subtree (the inorder successor), replace the node to delete with the inorder successor’s value, and then delete the inorder successor.

The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

def delete(self, item):
    # Deletes a node with the given item from the tree.
    # Uses a lock to ensure thread-safety during the process.
    parent, node = self._find_node_and_parent(item)
    if node is None:
        return False

    with self.lock:
        self._delete_node(node, parent)

    return True

def _delete_node(self, node, parent):
    if node.left is None and node.right is None:
        self._replace_node_in_parent(parent, node, None)
    elif node.left is not None and node.right is not None:
min_right = self._find_min_node(node.right)
node.value = min_right.value
self._delete_node(min_right, node)
child = node.left if node.left is not None else node.right
self._replace_node_in_parent(parent, node, child)

def _replace_node_in_parent(self, parent, node, new_node):
if parent is None:
self.root = new_node
elif parent.left == node:
parent.left = new_node
parent.right = new_node

def _find_min_node(self, node):
while node.left is not None:
node = node.left
return node

Concurrent Update Operation Implementation

The concurrent update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock when modifying the tree structure. In the update operation, we first delete the old item from the tree, and then insert the new item. By using a lock, we ensure that no other thread can modify the tree between the delete and insert operations. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. Since the update operation involves a delete followed by an insert, the complexity remains the same as individual delete and insert operations.

def update(self, old_item, new_item):
    # Updates a node by deleting the old item and inserting the new one.
    # Uses a lock to ensure thread-safety.
    with self.lock:
        if self.delete(old_item):
            return self.insert(new_item)

    return False

Testing the Concurrent Binary Search Tree

import threading

def main():
    tree = ConcurrentBST()
    element_count = 50000

    # Concurrent insertions
    t1 = threading.Thread(target=insert_elements, args=(tree, 1, element_count // 2))
    t2 = threading.Thread(target=insert_elements, args=(tree, element_count // 2 + 1, element_count))

    # Concurrent deletions
    t3 = threading.Thread(target=delete_elements, args=(tree, 1, element_count // 4))
    t4 = threading.Thread(target=delete_elements, args=(tree, element_count // 4 + 1, element_count // 2))

    # Concurrent updates
    t5 = threading.Thread(target=update_elements, args=(tree, 1, element_count // 4, element_count))
    t6 = threading.Thread(target=update_elements, args=(tree, element_count // 4 + 1, element_count // 2, element_count))



    print("Processing completed.")

def insert_elements(tree, start, end):
    for i in range(start, end + 1):

def delete_elements(tree, start, end):
    for i in range(start, end + 1):

def update_elements(tree, start, end, offset):
    for i in range(start, end + 1):
        tree.update(i, i + offset)

if __name__ == "__main__":


This article presented a concurrent binary search tree implementation in Python, designed to be clear and easy to understand. We discussed the class definition and provided a thread-safe implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations while maintaining the binary search tree properties. By using a combination of locks and careful consideration of the areas that require synchronization, we achieved an efficient and safe manipulation of the data structure in a multi-threaded environment. The concurrent binary search tree offers time complexities of O(h) for each operation, where h is the height of the tree, making it a valuable data structure for use in concurrent programming scenarios.

With the provided implementation, developers can harness the power of concurrency to optimize the performance of their applications, especially when dealing with large data sets and multiple threads accessing the same data structure. The concurrent binary search tree is an excellent choice for scenarios where the data needs to be accessed, modified, or deleted by multiple threads without causing data corruption or race conditions.

Correlated Resources

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in Java

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in Java


This article presents a concurrent binary search tree implementation in Java, designed to be concise and easy to understand. We will discuss the interface definition, followed by the implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations. Finally, we will provide an example of executing these operations concurrently. Binary search trees (BSTs) are a widely used data structure due to their efficient search, insertion, and deletion capabilities. A BST is a tree-like data structure where each node has at most two children, and for all nodes, the left child node is less than the parent node, and the right child node is greater than the parent node.

The time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations is generally O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In a balanced tree, the height is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes. In concurrent programming, multiple threads execute simultaneously, and concurrent access to shared data structures, such as a binary search tree, can lead to unpredictable results if not handled correctly. A concurrent binary search tree ensures that these operations are thread-safe, allowing multiple threads to access and modify the tree without causing data corruption or race conditions.

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in Java

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Java Interface Definition

To implement a concurrent binary search tree in Java, we first define an interface ConcurrentBinarySearchTree with a generic type parameter T that extends the Comparable interface for type T. This constraint ensures that the items stored in the tree can be compared, which is a fundamental requirement for the operations of a binary search tree. The interface exposes four main methods: search, insert, delete, and update.

public interface ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
    boolean search(T item);
    boolean insert(T item);
    boolean delete(T item);
    boolean update(T oldItem, T newItem);

public class ConcurrentBST<T extends Comparable<T>> implements ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T> {
    private Node<T> root;
    private final Object lock = new Object();
    // Scroll down for methods implementation
    // ...
  • The search operation checks if an item exists within the tree and returns true if found, otherwise false. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain its properties. The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

The next sections of this article will explain the concurrent implementations of these operations, ensuring thread-safety and efficient performance while maintaining the binary search tree properties.

Concurrent Search Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent search operation allows multiple threads to search for items within the binary search tree simultaneously without causing data corruption. The search operation does not modify the tree structure, so thread-safety is achieved without the need for locks or other synchronization mechanisms.

In the search operation, we traverse the tree, starting from the root node, comparing the target item with each node’s value. If the target item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. Whenever we reach a null reference, the item is not in the tree, and we return false. If we find a node with the same value as the target item, we return true. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In the worst case, we need to traverse the entire height of the tree.

public boolean search(T item) {
    // Traverses the tree, comparing each node's value with the target item.
    // If found, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
    Node<T> current = root;

    while (current != null) {
        int comparison = item.compareTo(current.value);

        if (comparison == 0)
            return true;
        current = comparison < 0 ? current.left : current.right;

    return false;

Concurrent Insert Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a synchronized block when modifying the tree structure. This prevents multiple threads from inserting nodes simultaneously, which could lead to data corruption.

In the insert operation, we traverse the tree to find the position for the new item. We compare the new item with each node’s value during the traversal. If the new item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. If we find a node with the same value as the new item, the insertion is a duplicate, and we return false. Once we reach a null reference, we have found the position for the new item. We then lock the tree to prevent other threads from modifying it while we insert the new node. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

public boolean insert(T item) {
    // Inserts a new node by finding its position in the tree.
    // Uses a synchronized block to ensure thread-safety during the process.
    Node<T> newNode = new Node<>(item);
    Node<T> parent = null;
    Node<T> current = root;

    while (current != null) {
        parent = current;
        int comparison = item.compareTo(current.value);

        if (comparison == 0)
            return false;
        current = comparison < 0 ? current.left : current.right;

    synchronized (lock) {
        if (parent == null)
            root = newNode;
        else if (item.compareTo(parent.value) < 0)
            parent.left = newNode;
            parent.right = newNode;

    return true;

Concurrent Delete Operation Implementation

The concurrent delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a synchronized block when modifying the tree structure. The delete operation involves three main scenarios:

  1. The node to delete has no children: In this case, we simply remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference.
  2. The node to delete has one child: We remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference to point to the node’s single child.
  3. The node to delete has two children: We find the node with the minimum value in the right subtree (the inorder successor), replace the node to delete with the inorder successor’s value, and then delete the inorder successor.

The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

private void deleteNode(Node<T> node, Node<T> parent) {
    // Deletes a node from the tree and handles three scenarios:
    // 1. The node has no children.
    // 2. The node has one child.
    // 3. The node has two children.
    if (node.left == null && node.right == null) {
        replaceNodeInParent(parent, node, null);
} else if (node.left != null && node.right != null) {
Node<T> minRight = findMinNode(node.right);
node.value = minRight.value;
deleteNode(minRight, node);
} else {
Node<T> child = node.left != null ? node.left : node.right;
replaceNodeInParent(parent, node, child);

private void replaceNodeInParent(Node<T> parent, Node<T> node, Node<T> newNode) {
if (parent == null) {
root = newNode;
} else if (parent.left == node) {
parent.left = newNode;
} else {
parent.right = newNode;

private Node<T> findMinNode(Node<T> node) {
while (node.left != null) {
node = node.left;

return node;

Concurrent Update Operation Implementation

The concurrent update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a synchronized block when modifying the tree structure. In the update operation, we first delete the old item from the tree, and then insert the new item. By using a synchronized block, we ensure that no other thread can modify the tree between the delete and insert operations. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. Since the update operation involves a delete followed by an insert, the complexity remains the same as individual delete and insert operations.

public boolean update(T oldItem, T newItem) {
    // Updates a node by deleting the old item and inserting the new one.
    // Uses a synchronized block to ensure thread-safety.
    synchronized (lock) {
        if (delete(oldItem))
            return insert(newItem);

    return false;

Testing the Concurrent Binary Search Tree

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<Integer> tree = new ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<>();
        int elementCount = 50000;

        // Concurrent insertions
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
        executor.submit(() -> insertElements(tree, 1, elementCount / 2));
        executor.submit(() -> insertElements(tree, elementCount / 2 + 1, elementCount));

        // Concurrent deletions
        executor.submit(() -> deleteElements(tree, 1, elementCount / 4));
        executor.submit(() -> deleteElements(tree, elementCount / 4 + 1, elementCount / 2));

        // Concurrent updates
        executor.submit(() -> updateElements(tree, 1, elementCount / 4, elementCount));
        executor.submit(() -> updateElements(tree, elementCount / 4 + 1, elementCount / 2, elementCount));


        System.out.println("Processing completed.");

    static void insertElements(ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<Integer> tree, int start, int end) {
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {

    static void deleteElements(ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<Integer> tree, int start, int end) {
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {

    static void updateElements(ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<Integer> tree, int start, int end, int offset) {
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            tree.update(i, i + offset);


In conclusion, this article presented a concurrent binary search tree implementation in Java, designed to be clear and easy to understand. We discussed the interface definition and provided a thread-safe implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations while maintaining the binary search tree properties. By using a combination of synchronized blocks and careful consideration of the areas that require synchronization, we achieved an efficient and safe manipulation of the data structure in a multi-threaded environment. The concurrent binary search tree offers time complexities of O(h) for each operation, where h is the height of the tree, making it a valuable data structure for use in concurrent programming scenarios.

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Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in C#

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in C#


This article presents a concurrent binary search tree implementation in C#, designed to be concise and easy to understand. We will discuss the interface definition, followed by the implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations. Finally, we will provide an example of executing these operations concurrently. Binary search trees (BSTs) are a widely used data structure due to their efficient search, insertion, and deletion capabilities. A BST is a tree-like data structure where each node has at most two children, and for all nodes, the left child node is less than the parent node, and the right child node is greater than the parent node.

The time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations is generally O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In a balanced tree, the height is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes. In concurrent programming, multiple threads execute simultaneously, and concurrent access to shared data structures, such as a binary search tree, can lead to unpredictable results if not handled correctly. A concurrent binary search tree ensures that these operations are thread-safe, allowing multiple threads to access and modify the tree without causing data corruption or race conditions.

Concurrent Binary Search Tree Implementation in C#

Concurrent Binary Search Tree C# Interface Definition

To implement a concurrent binary search tree in C#, we first define an interface IConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T> that extends the IComparable interface for type T. This constraint ensures that the items stored in the tree can be compared, which is a fundamental requirement for the operations of a binary search tree. The interface exposes four main methods: Search, Insert, Delete, and Update.

public interface IConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    bool Search(T item);
    bool Insert(T item);
    bool Delete(T item);
    bool Update(T oldItem, T newItem);

/// <summary>
/// Concurrent Binary Search Tree implementation.
/// </summary>
public class ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T> : IConcurrentBinarySearchTree<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    private Node<T> _root;
    private readonly object _lock = new object();
// Scroll down for methods implementation
// ...

  • The Search operation checks if an item exists within the tree, and returns true if found, otherwise false. The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The Insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The Delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain its properties. The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • The Update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

The next sections of this article will explain the concurrent implementations of these operations, ensuring thread-safety and efficient performance while maintaining the binary search tree properties.

Concurrent Search Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent search operation allows multiple threads to search for items within the binary search tree simultaneously without causing data corruption. The search operation does not modify the tree structure, so thread-safety is achieved without the need for locks or other synchronization mechanisms.

In the search operation, we traverse the tree, starting from the root node, comparing the target item with each node’s value. If the target item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. Whenever we reach a null reference, the item is not in the tree, and we return false. If we find a node with the same value as the target item, we return true.

The time complexity of the search operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In the worst case, we need to traverse the entire height of the tree.

public bool Search(T item)
        // Traverses the tree, comparing each node's value with the target item.
        // If found, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
        Node<T> current = _root;

        while (current != null)
            int comparison = item.CompareTo(current.Value);

            if (comparison == 0)
                return true;
            current = comparison < 0 ? current.Left : current.Right;

        return false;

Concurrent Insert Operation Implementation in Binary Search Tree

The concurrent insert operation adds a new item to the tree while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock when modifying the tree structure. This prevents multiple threads from inserting nodes simultaneously, which could lead to data corruption.

In the insert operation, we traverse the tree to find the position for the new item. We compare the new item with each node’s value during the traversal. If the new item is less than the current node’s value, we move to the left child; otherwise, we move to the right child. If we find a node with the same value as the new item, the insertion is a duplicate, and we return false.

Once we reach a null reference, we have found the position for the new item. We then lock the tree to prevent other threads from modifying it while we insert the new node. The time complexity of the insert operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

public bool Insert(T item)
        // Inserts a new node by finding its position in the tree.
        // Uses a lock to ensure thread-safety during the process.
        Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(item);
        Node<T> parent = null;
        Node<T> current = _root;

        while (current != null)
            parent = current;
            int comparison = item.CompareTo(current.Value);

            if (comparison == 0)
                return false;
            current = comparison < 0 ? current.Left : current.Right;

        lock (_lock)
            if (parent == null)
                _root = newNode;
            else if (item.CompareTo(parent.Value) < 0)
                parent.Left = newNode;
                parent.Right = newNode;

        return true;

Concurrent Delete Operation Implementation

The concurrent delete operation removes an item from the tree and rearranges the tree to maintain the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock when modifying the tree structure. The delete operation involves three main scenarios:

  1. The node to delete has no children: In this case, we simply remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference.
  2. The node to delete has one child: We remove the node from the tree and update its parent’s reference to point to the node’s single child.
  3. The node to delete has two children: We find the node with the minimum value in the right subtree (the inorder successor), replace the node to delete with the inorder successor’s value, and then delete the inorder successor.

The time complexity of the delete operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree.

private void DeleteNode(Node<T> node, Node<T> parent)
    // Deletes a node from the tree and handles three scenarios:
    // 1. The node has no children.
    // 2. The node has one child.
    // 3. The node has two children.
    if (node.Left == null && node.Right == null)
        ReplaceNodeInParent(parent, node, null);
    else if (node.Left != null && node.Right != null)
        Node<T> minRight = FindMinNode(node.Right);
        node.Value = minRight.Value;
        DeleteNode(minRight, node);
        Node<T> child = node.Left ?? node.Right;
        ReplaceNodeInParent(parent, node, child);

private void ReplaceNodeInParent(Node<T> parent, Node<T> node, Node<T> newNode)
    if (parent == null)
        _root = newNode;
    else if (parent.Left == node)
        parent.Left = newNode;
        parent.Right = newNode;

private Node<T> FindMinNode(Node<T> node)
    while (node.Left != null)
        node = node.Left;

    return node;

Concurrent Update Operation Implementation

The concurrent update operation updates an existing item in the tree with a new item while maintaining the binary search tree property. To ensure thread-safety, we use a lock when modifying the tree structure. In the update operation, we first delete the old item from the tree, and then insert the new item. By using a lock, we ensure that no other thread can modify the tree between the delete and insert operations.

The time complexity of the update operation is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. Since the update operation involves a delete followed by an insert, the complexity remains the same as individual delete and insert operations.

public bool Update(T oldItem, T newItem)
    // Updates a node by deleting the old item and inserting the new one.
    // Uses locks to ensure thread-safety.
    lock (_lock)
        if (Delete(oldItem))
            return Insert(newItem);

    return false;

Testing the Concurrent Binary Search Tree

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
    static void Main()
        IConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int> tree = new ConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int>();
        int elementCount = 50000;

        // Concurrent insertions
        var insertTask1 = Task.Run(() => InsertElements(tree, 1, elementCount / 2));
        var insertTask2 = Task.Run(() => InsertElements(tree, elementCount / 2 + 1, elementCount));

        Task.WaitAll(insertTask1, insertTask2);

        // Concurrent deletions
        var deleteTask1 = Task.Run(() => DeleteElements(tree, 1, elementCount / 4));
        var deleteTask2 = Task.Run(() => DeleteElements(tree, elementCount / 4 + 1, elementCount / 2));

        Task.WaitAll(deleteTask1, deleteTask2);

        // Concurrent updates
        var updateTask1 = Task.Run(() => UpdateElements(tree, 1, elementCount / 4, elementCount));
        var updateTask2 = Task.Run(() => UpdateElements(tree, elementCount / 4 + 1, elementCount / 2, elementCount));

        Task.WaitAll(updateTask1, updateTask2);

        Console.WriteLine("Processing completed.");

    static void InsertElements(IConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int> tree, int start, int end)
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)

    static void DeleteElements(IConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int> tree, int start, int end)
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)

    static void UpdateElements(IConcurrentBinarySearchTree<int> tree, int start, int end, int offset)
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
            tree.Update(i, i + offset);


In this article, we presented a concurrent binary search tree implementation in C#, designed to be concise and easy to understand. We discussed the interface definition and provided a thread-safe implementation of concurrent search, insert, delete, and update operations, while maintaining the binary search tree properties. The concurrent binary search tree enables efficient and safe manipulation of the data structure in a multi-threaded environment, with time complexities of O(h) for each operation, where h is the height of the tree.

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