How to Use Google Places Autocomplete API

How to Use Google Places Autocomplete API


The Google Places Autocomplete API provides automatic address and place suggestions based on a text string. These APIs are commonly used in web and mobile applications during typing stages, enhancing the user experience. In this article, we will first examine the requirements needed to use these APIs. Then, we will show you how to use Google Places Autocomplete API through Postman, a popular API testing tool.

How to Use Google Places Autocomplete API


Before starting, make sure you have met the following requirements:

  • A Gmail or Google Workspace account.
  • A valid physical or virtual credit/debit card.
  • An API key for the Google Places API, which can be created in the Google Developer Console.

To learn more about the mentioned requirements and follow a more detailed procedure, you can read our introductory article on How to Use Google Places API.

How to Use Google Places Autocomplete API in Postman

Postman is a well-known tool for testing and interacting with APIs. It can also be a very useful tool for understanding the behavior of APIs before integrating them into your projects. You can follow these steps to test and use the Google Places Autocomplete API in Postman:

  1. Download and install Postman: Go to the official Postman website ( and download the application for your operating system. Install Postman following the provided instructions.
  2. Open Postman and create a new request: After launching Postman, create a new request by clicking the “+” button at the top of the user interface.
  3. Configure the API request: Select the “GET” method from the dropdown menu and enter the following URL to make a request to the Google Places Autocomplete API.

Replace “YOUR_INPUT” with the text you want to use for the search and “YOUR_API_KEY” with the API key generated in the Google Developer Console.

How to Use Google Places Autocomplete API in Postman

Customizing Requests to Google Places Autocomplete API

Google Places Autocomplete API offers several options to customize API calls, allowing you to obtain more specific and relevant results based on your application’s needs. You can customize API calls by adding parameters to the request URL. Here are some common parameters to customize your calls:

  • types: Use this parameter to limit results to specific types of places, such as ‘geocode’ (addresses) or ‘establishment’ (business establishments). For example: &types=geocode.
  • language: Set the language of the search results by specifying the language code. For example, to get results in Italian, add &language=it.
  • location: Provide geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) to prioritize results close to a specific location. For example: &location=41.902782,12.496366.
  • radius: Set a radius in meters around the location specified in the location parameter to limit results to that geographic area. For example: &radius=50000.
  • strictbounds: Add this parameter to limit results to the geographic area defined by the radius parameter. Use &strictbounds without value.
  • componentRestrictions: Limit results to a specific country by adding this parameter followed by the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code. For example, to limit results to Italy, use &components=country:it.

By combining these parameters, you can customize calls to the Google Places Autocomplete API to suit your application’s needs, improving user experience and data accuracy. To get a complete list of these parameters, you can refer to the official documentation page for the Google Places Autocomplete API.

Customizing Requests to Google Places Autocomplete API


The Google Places Autocomplete API can be easily tested and used with Postman, offering the possibility to explore and better understand the API’s features. Follow these steps to experiment with the APIs before implementing them in your application.

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How to use the Google My Business API in C#

How to use the Google My Business API in C#


In the contemporary digital landscape, efficiently managing a company’s online presence is crucial for success. The Google My Business API serves as a vital resource that can significantly enhance the management of businesses’ online profiles. This sophisticated application programming interface (API) allows users to automate tasks such as publishing updates, monitoring visibility and reviews, and claiming client listings. In this article, we provide an in-depth guide on utilizing the Google My Business API specifically in C#, accompanied by an illustrative example. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to streamline your operations and optimize the management of your online presence using the C# programming language. You can download the pre-built source code here!

How to use the Google My Business API in C#

Step 0: Request access to the Google My Business API

Before diving into the implementation of the Google My Business API in C#, it is essential to first obtain access to the API. To do so, you must log in to the Google Cloud Console using the same credentials as your Google My Business account, create a new project, and submit an API activation request form. Generally, the approval process takes 2-3 business days, during which you may be asked to confirm your request or provide additional information. Once your access is granted, you can proceed to configure the API, enable the necessary Google My Business modules, and create an OAuth API key. For a more detailed explanation on requesting access to the Google My Business API, please refer to our previous article.

Step 1: Set Your Google Client ID, Secret, and Scopes

Before using the Google My Business API, prepare your Google Client ID, Secret, and desired scopes. These can be obtained through the Google Cloud Console after requesting access to the API. Replace the placeholders in the example code with your actual Google Client ID and Secret:

string googleClientId = "your-google-client-id-goes-here";
string googleClientSecret = "your-google-client-secret-goes-here";
string[] scopes = { "" };

Step 2: Authenticate Yourself to the Google My Business API

On first run, the program shows an authentication window, and the machine stores the authentication token. Subsequent authentications will not require a login unless you decide to update your scopes.

UserCredential credential = GoogleAuthenticationHandler.Authenticate(googleClientId, googleClientSecret, scopes);

Step 3: Access Google My Business Account and Locations

Ensure that your account has the authorization to use the Google My Business API. With access, utilize the code snippet to access your Google My Business account and related locations. This code will display the Google My Business account name and the associated locations.

using (var gmbAccountService = new MyBusinessAccountManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential }))
    var accounts = gmbAccountService.Accounts.List().Execute();

    foreach (var account in accounts.Accounts)
        Console.WriteLine("\nListing managed locations for this account:");

        using (var gmbLocationService = new MyBusinessBusinessInformationService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() {HttpClientInitializer = credential}))
            var locationsRequest = gmbLocationService.Accounts.Locations.List(account.Name);
            locationsRequest.ReadMask = "name";
            var locations = locationsRequest.Execute();
            foreach (var location in locations.Locations)



The Google My Business API offers a variety of features that can help you manage your business listings more effectively. With the example code provided, you can easily access your Google My Business account and associated locations. Remember to refer to the Google API documentation for more information on the available methods and functionalities.

Requesting access to the Google My Business API

Requesting access to the Google My Business API

If you’re a company or professional who uses Google My Business to manage the online presence of local businesses, you may want to access Google My Business APIs to integrate the platform with your solutions or automate some tasks with software. In this article, we will talk about requesting access to the Google My Business API and for what purposes it could be useful to you.

Requesting access to the Google My Business API

Why requesting access to Google My Business APIs

Google My Business APIs offer features that can greatly improve the management of the online presence of the businesses you manage. Among the multiple possibilities, you would requesting access to the Google My Business API whenever you want to:

  • Publishing updates for managed businesses.The APIs allow you to schedule the publication of posts, offers, and updates about your business. This can help you save valuable time that you can dedicate to other tasks.
  • Managing visibility and reviews. With access to Google My Business APIs, you can monitor the visibility of your business. You will be ableto understand which keywords the business listings appear for on Google search and Maps. Additionally, you can view and respond to reviews from customers of managed businesses.
  • Claiming the listings of your new clients. The APIs allow you to search for and request management of the Google My Business listings of your clients. This process is semi-automatable, but with some adjustments to the source code, it is possible to automatize it.

How to request access to Google My Business API

To request access to Google My Business APIs, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud Console. Sign in to the Google Cloud Console using the same credentials as your Google My Business account. It’s important to log in with a business account rather a personal one, otherwise your request will be rejected. To create a business account, read the article on the reference page.
  2. Create a new project. Create a new project in the Google Cloud Console. Enter a name for the project and click “Create”. Take note of the ID and number of your newly created project.
  3. Request access to the APIs. Use the API activation request form and wait for a confirmation Google message. This process usually takes 2-3 business days. Keep an eye on your Google account-associated inbox and reply to any questions in your gmail account inbox. You will typically be asked to confirm that you are the one who requested access to the APIs. In that case, you simply need to respond affirmatively to the email you receive.
  4. Configure the Google My Business APIs. Access the Google Cloud Console API configuration page for Google My Business and enable the modules you need to use.
  5. Create a new API key and service account. Create a new OAuth API key on the API configuration page for the enabled project. You can also create a service account to simplify the authentication processes for your software, but this is entirely optional.
  6. You’re now ready to use the APIs. You can refer to our articles for further guidance or contact us for consultation.
Available Google My Business API Modules

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how to use Google Places API

How to use Google Places API


The Google Places API is a service able to return information about locations, using HTTP requests. Locations are defined internally to this API as as establishments, geographic locations, or prominent points of interest. It is possible to use the Google Places API with the most important programming languages. Google offers already implemented client libraries for Java, Javascript, Python, Objective-C and Go. It is however possible to use the Google Places API on every programming language supporting HTTP requests. This guide explains how to use Google Places API, properly configuring your Google account and creating an API key for it. In particular, here you will find:

  • How to properly set up a Google Cloud project to use the API
  • How to create an API key for your Google account to use the API
  • How to use the Google Places API with standard HTTP requests for every programming language
how to use Google Places API

How to create an API key for Google Places API

Requirements to meet in order to be able to create a new API key to be used for Google Places API are the following:

  • A gmail or a Google Workspace account
  • A valid physical or virtual credit/debit card

A gmail or a Google Workspace account is needed in order to access your Google Developers Console, where you will be able to create a new API key. Google Places API will need your workspace project to be linked to a valid payment method to successfully process requests. Here are the detailed steps you are required to follow:

  • Access your Google Developer Console with your gmail or Google Workspace account
  • Create a new project, eventually linked to an organization in case you’ve been logging into a Google Workspace account
Step 1 - Creating a new Google Cloud Project
Enable "Places API" under the "Library" section

Enabling the Google Places API

Enable “Places API” under the “Library” section of the Google Developer Console. You will be required to create a new billing account or, eventually, to associate one, if already existing. You will be required to enter valid payment information, otherwise you won’t be able to correctly enable your API. Google won’t charge your payment method until you overcome the monthly $200 free threshold. You can get more information about API pricing at the Google Places Pricing page.

Creating an API key for Google Places

At this point, an API key should be automatically created. Copy down your API key and limit its usage to the “Places API”. If an API key isn’t created automatically, you will only have to go to the “Credentials” section of your Google Developer Console, then to create a new “API Key“. Whenever your API key is created, you should always apply restrictions to libraries able to use it.

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Using OAuth2 for Google APIs: Creating Credentials

How to use OAuth2 for Google APIs

What is OAuth2?

OAuth2 is a security protocol that allows applications to access user information without having to store their credentials. Authorization is managed through access tokens and granular permissions to ensure the security and privacy of users. Google uses OAuth2 to allow applications to securely access protected resources, such as user data or Google APIs. To start using OAuth2 with Google APIs, you need to register an application and obtain a client ID and a secret key. Afterwards, you can use Google’s client libraries to obtain a valid OAuth2 access token and use it to make requests to Google APIs. Client libraries are available in several programming languages including, but not limited to, Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript.

How to use OAuth2 to access Google APIs

To use Google APIs with OAuth2, the first step is to create a project in the Google Cloud Console and enable the desired APIs for your project. Next, you will need to create OAuth2 credentials for your project. If your project is a web application, you will need to provide a redirect URL to which the user will be sent after authentication. On the other hand, if the project is a server application, no redirect URL needs to be specified. The example below generates a Web API key in the Google Cloud Console and enables some Google libraries. In this example, we will use Google’s redirect URL to test authentication:

Using OAuth2 for Google APIs: Creating Credentials

Enabling Libraries to Use

To use Google’s client libraries with your application, you need to enable the corresponding library in the Google Cloud Console. Once you have logged in to the console, select your project and go to the “APIs & Services” section. Here you can search for the library you want to use and enable it. After enabling the library, you can download the client library for your preferred programming language and use it to integrate OAuth2 and access Google APIs. The example below shows the enabling procedure for the YouTube library.

Using OAuth2 for Google APIs: Enabling libraries

Testing Libraries using Google OAuth Playground

Google OAuth Playground is a useful tool for testing Google’s client libraries and verifying that they are functioning properly. You can access Google OAuth Playground from the Google Cloud Console and use it to generate valid OAuth2 access tokens. This way, you can simulate the authorization and authentication process of your application and verify if the client library is functioning correctly. You can also test granular permissions by using Google OAuth Playground to selectively access Google APIs. The example below depicts testing YouTube APIs using previously generated credentials.

Using OAuth2 for Google APIs: Testing libraries with Google OAuth Playground

An example of using OAuth2 on the server side in C#

In the video below, you can find an example of how to practically use OAuth2 in a simple application created in Visual Studio, using the C# programming language.

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