Google My Business API – Locations Insights Fetcher C#


This is a pre-built Visual Studio 2022 solution that allows you to retrieve location insights for your Google My Business accounts’ locations listings.


This is the Google My Business API – Locations Insights Fetcher C#: a simplified C# solution for developers working with Google APIs. Our tool simplifies the process of fetching insights from Google My Business locations, providing access to the My Business API. Moreover, it offers an easy-to-integrate method for retrieving key metrics and insights for managed businesses.

Explore the benefits of our Google My Business API – Locations Insights Fetcher C#:

  • Well-structured, easy-to-understand C# code.
  • Simplified Google API authentication and authorization.
  • User-friendly console application for fetching insights from Google My Business locations.

Source Code Description:

This C# console application effectively interacts with the Google My Business API, allowing easy access to location insights. The application carries out these essential steps:

  1. Set up client credentials, including client ID and client secret.
  2. Authenticate users and store tokens for future use.
  3. Retrieve insights and key metrics for Google My Business locations.

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