Google Places Autocomplete API in C# Example


This product includes all the code explained in our video tutorial, allowing you to easily integrate the Google Places Autocomplete feature into your Windows Forms applications using the C# programming language.

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This is the Google Places Autocomplete API in C# Example: a practical C# solution for developers working with Google APIs. Our tool streamlines the location search process, offering effortless access to the Google Places API. Moreover, it provides an easy-to-integrate method for retrieving autocomplete suggestions for user queries.

Explore the benefits of our Google Places Autocomplete API in C# Example:

  • Well-organized, clear C# code.
  • Dependable Google API authentication.
  • User-friendly GUI for location search and suggestions using Windows Forms.

Source Code Description:

This C# Windows Forms application effectively interacts with the Google Places API, allowing simple access to location suggestions. The application carries out these crucial steps:

  1. Set up the Google API key for authenticating requests.
  2. Implement a background worker for fetching suggestions asynchronously.
  3. Use RestSharp and Newtonsoft.Json for handling API requests and parsing responses.