Symbolic Derivative Calculator for real functions in Java


This is a Symbolic Derivative Calculator developed in Java language. It computes the symbolic derivative of a given mathematical expression.



A Symbolic Derivative Calculator developed in Java language is a program that computes the symbolic derivative of a given mathematical expression. The program accepts a mathematical expression as input, typically in the form of a string, and generates the derivative of the expression as output, also in the form of a string.

The program uses a set of predefined mathematical rules to calculate the derivative of the input expression. These rules include the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, chain rule, and others. The program employs various data structures such as stacks, queues, and trees to store and manipulate the input expression and its derivative. The y parses the input expression to identify its mathematical components such as constants, variables, and operators. It then applies the relevant derivative rules to each component and combines them to generate the derivative of the entire expression.

The program may also provide additional features such as simplification of the derivative expression, evaluation of the derivative at a given point. Overall, a Symbolic Derivative Calculator developed in Java language is a powerful tool for computing the derivative of complex mathematical expressions, which is a fundamental concept in calculus and other areas of mathematics and science.